Exposing my heart today. Ow, it burnsssssss.
I wrote this comic back when the Texas governor election happened, and so many of my friends were heartbroken.
And again, we are heartbroken.
BUT again,
I take pride in seeing my Latinx community come out, and work hard. My family has been in Texas before Texas was TEXAS. We have been dealt with many hardships over many generations, but we keep getting up, and it keeps getting better. My Abuela didn’t get the opportunity of good schooling, and so she encouraged my Abuelo to move to a San Antonio neighborhood with a good school that started letting in Mexican kids. My father who couldn’t use a restroom in Texas as they were white-only as a kid, went on to graduate college. And I got to be part of the first generation to not work in the fields.
Sometimes in moments when I'm drawing a grumpy toaster with a butt, I think...
is this what my ancestors, mis abuelos, my own father intended with how hard they labored in the fields?
And I close my eyes, and know in my soul...
So hug your loved ones, go eat some queso, and let's keep picking as we're getting closer. And I know, sometimes it won’t feel like it, as the sun beats down on us at a particularly grueling part of this day. But we are getting there, as I can feel it in my bones.
And my bones are 50% queso at this point, so they must be super smart.
AND as always, a gigantic Thanks to the amazing Farm Workers across our country who feed us, and please support them! They deserve more than our Thanks, they deserve a path to citizenship. Now more than ever!
To learn more of all they do, visit https://ufw.org/
Sending loving self-care to all of you.
¡Nunca te rindes! (Never give up)